Personal data handling

Our tag replaces the following information before it’s collected:

  • JWT tokens in URLs, replaced by CS_ANONYMIZED_JWT,
  • Email addresses in URLs, custom errors, JavaScript errors, dynamic vars, custom vars, and Session Replay, replaced by CS_ANONYMIZED_EMAIL,
  • Credit card numbers in Session Replay, replaced by CS_ANONYMIZED_PII

Personal Data handling in the HTML (in Session Replay)

Section titled Personal Data handling in the HTML (in Session Replay)

Sessions will be collected for Session Replay if:

  • The Session Replay feature has been enabled for your account
  • The threshold set by the Session Replay Collection Rate is not exceeded.

For the HTML content to be sent, all these conditions must be true:

  1. The user hasn’t opted out.
  2. The session is being tracked.
  3. The browser is compatible.
  4. The session has been flagged as “Collected for Session Replay”, using the _cs_s cookie - See the full list

Session replay data collection options

Section titled Session replay data collection options

If Session Replay is turned on and data collection is active for the session, the HTML content of the page is sent after every pageview (both natural and artificial) and every DOM change (only the updated elements are sent).

  • The content of <input> elements with type text, email, password, search, tel, url or <input> elements without a type attribute are replaced with bullets before the HTML is sent,
  • Every figure of <input> elements with type number are replaced by 0,
  • The content <textarea> elements is replaced with bullets before the HTML is sent,
  • The content of <script> elements is emptied,
  • Except for the above, all the HTML content is sent, including <head>,
  • The content of every element marked with the data attribute data-cs-mask is removed (see below).
  • The content of <input> elements with type text, email, password, search, tel, url or <input> elements without a type are replaced with bullets before the HTML is sent,
  • Every figure of <input> elements with type number are replaced by 0,
  • The content <textarea> elements is replaced with bullets before the HTML is sent,
  • The content of <script> elements is emptied,
  • The content of every element marked with the data attribute data-cs-mask is removed (see below).
  • The content of every element marked with the data attribute data-cs-capture is collected and shown unless it falls under the excluded elements listed above (<input>, <textarea>)
  • Every character of the text content included in the elements sent is replaced by “A”.
  • Attributes unrelated to layout are removed — we only keep id, class, style, src, srcset, href, rel and type.

In case your site displays Personal Data only on a specific set of pages, you can decide to run the Auto-Masking process only on a pre-defined set of pages, so that you won’t have to apply the masking across the whole site.

We currently have two available options:

  • Mask all pages except: All pages will be masked except the ones defined by a Regex Pattern agreed with your dedicated Implementation Manager.
  • Unmask all pages except: All pages will be collected with clear content except from the ones defined by a Regex pattern agreed with your dedicated Implementation Manager.

These can only be configured by your dedicated Implementation Manager.

Block data collection for specific pages (Session Replay)

Section titled Block data collection for specific pages (Session Replay)

Use the excludeURLforReplay command to block data collection on pages based on their URL.
You might want to use this command for the following reasons:

  • Some page replays for Session Replay cause performance issues (when the page contains many images or videos, for instance) — you can block these pages until the problem is fixed,
  • Personal data has been exposed,
  • You want to exclude whole parts of your website from being collected for Session Replay.
window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
window._uxa.push(['excludeURLforReplay', "URL_REGEX"]);

Using this command does not block page views for the given page(s) — it only blocks data collection for Session Replay.

Remove content/Personal Data from the collected HTML

Section titled Remove content/Personal Data from the collected HTML

There are two methods to remove content from the collected HTML:

  1. Using the Contentsquare Personal Data Selector
  2. Tagging DOM Elements

Each DOM element to be masked is identified thanks to its CSS selector and those selectors are pushed to the API via a JavaScript object. The content of the identified element will be thus removed from the replay.

The following object that contains CSS selectors for text and for attributes should be pushed to the API as follows, before firing the main tag:

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
window._uxa.push(['setPIISelectors', {PII Object}]);

The structure of the PII Object is as follows:

  • PIISelectors: Comma-separated list of CSS selectors which allow the matching DOM elements to be masked by the tag.

  • Attributes: Using this key, one can remove the defined attributes of the DOM elements from the elements matching the CSS selectors. Note that it is possible to use an array of attribute names as shown in the example above.

Keep in mind that using both PII Selectors and Attributes is optional, meaning you can use either full element selectors, specific attribute selectors or both in the same object:

PIISelectors: [".css-selector, selector"], // DOM elements to be masked
Attributes: [
selector: "select#month option, select#year option", // CSS selector(s)
attrName: 'id' // Attribute name you want to mask
selector: ".link-page-7", // CSS selector(s)
attrName: ['href','name'] // Array attribute names you want to mask

To exclude HTML from the page where data collection is active, add the data-cs-mask attribute to the HTML element(s): their content will be removed in the browser, before the content is even sent to Contentsquare.

HTML of the page

Content before
<p data-cs-mask>
Content after

Resulting HTML Collected

Content before
<p data-cs-mask></p>
Content after

You can also add the data-cs-mask attribute with JavaScript provided you do it before any pageview is sent.

Events on removed HTMLEvents (click, hover, etc.) will still be collected and sent to our servers even if they are targeting removed HTML elements. They will be visible in the application using Live Resources (as named in the platform).

Display content in a fully masked HTML page

Section titled Display content in a fully masked HTML page

There are two methods to display content in a masked HTML page:

  1. Using the Contentsquare Personal Data Selector
  2. Tagging DOM Elements

Each DOM element to be displayed is identified thanks to its CSS selector and those selectors are pushed to the API via a JavaScript object. The content of the identified element will be thus displayed in Session Replay.

The string which contains comma-separated CSS selectors for text and for attributes must be pushed to the Contentsquare API, before firing the main tag, as follows:

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
window._uxa.push(['setCapturedElementsSelector', "#capture-me, .show-me"]);

To display an HTML element in a masked page, add the data-cs-capture attribute to the HTML element.

HTML of the page

Sensitive Content before
<p data-cs-capture>
some piece of text that is not sensitive
Sensitive Content after

Resulting HTML Collected

<p data-cs-capture>
some piece of text that is not sensitive

It can also be added with JavaScript but, be careful, as attributes must be added before any pageview is sent.

  • Have Google Chrome installed.
  • Download the Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant Chrome Extension.
  • Add the data-cs-mask attribute to exclude elements from the tracking. Data within form fields is not captured by default, except dropdowns which still need masking.
  • Activate full session masking; no regular expressions should be configured.
  • If you have already provided us with a list of your internal/office IPs for us to add to our exclusion list and you are planning to run Session Replay tests, inform your Contentsquare Implementation Manager or Success Manager so we can temporarily pause that exclusion list. If you don’t, and run test Session Replays from an IP that is in our exclusion list, your test session will not be collected in Contentsquare.
  1. Start a journey on your website, for instance a checkout funnel.

  2. In the Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant extension, select Turn off anonymisation to prevent ‘AAA’ masking from affecting your local session.

  3. Select Collected for Session Replay to enable Session Replay data collection for your session.

  4. Select Trigger testing dvar to create the SR Testing dynamic variable which identifies your current session.

    Data collection for Session Replay is now active for your session and you can proceed with the rest of your journey.

  5. Fill out any test personal information which are required along the way.
    Such information is usually displayed as a form of confirmation — this is where you will want to check it is masked.

  6. Once you are done testing, close your session by either closing the session’s tab or deleting your cookies.

  7. After 30 minutes, log in to the Contentsquare platform and find the Session Replay marked with the SR Testing dynamic variable.

  8. Watch the replay and look for all the areas where Personal Data could appear:

  • ❌ If Personal Data is visible, update your masking and test again.
  • ✅ If there were no Personal Data, you are covered in terms of GDPR compliance.

Following Session Replay requests

Section titled Following Session Replay requests

HTML content is sent via requests to one of the endpoints listed below, based on where data is stored for your project:


The request is sent with the _cs_s cookie, which value ends .3: The request contains all the DOM.

Blocking Personal Data in URLs

Section titled Blocking Personal Data in URLs

Personal Data does not only appear within HTML content.

For a given page, you also need to mask Personal Data found in:

Unmasked data could be exposed in the Error Analysis module.

Masking Personal Data in the URL path

Section titled Masking Personal Data in the URL path

To remove Personal Data in the URL of the current page, we must rewrite the URL of the pageview, and mask it, before the tag collects it, using the setPath command.

The setPath command takes as a parameter the exact new path we want to collect as a URL.

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];

This command needs to be fired on every page where the URL contains Personal Data, before the main Tracking tag is loaded. Only the path is to be configured, not the whole URL.

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
'setPath', '/users/CS_ANONYMIZED_USER_ID'
URL before maskingURL after masking

Masking Personal Data in URL query string parameters

Section titled Masking Personal Data in URL query string parameters

When Personal Data can be found in the query parameters of an URL, use the setQuery command to replace the query string within the URL with a new masked one.

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];

The setQuery command takes as a parameter the exact new query string we want to display within the URL. This command instructs the Tag to replace the part of the URL after the ? by another one with masked values.

This command must be fired on all pages where the URL contains Personal Data, and before the main tag is loaded. Only the query string is to be configured, not the whole URL.

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
URL before maskingURL after masking

Customize the masked term according to the “type” of the parameter we want to replace, in order for the result to be explicit:


…and so on.

Masking Personal Data in the referrer

Section titled Masking Personal Data in the referrer

Even when you have masked Personal Data in URLs and query parameters on a page, they propagate to the next visited page through the referrer. To handle this use case, use the referrer: commands below.

Consider this journey:

  1. Users navigate from to
  2. A pageview is sent on
  3. The referrer value in both the browser and in the pageview request is

To mask Personal data in the URL within the referrer, use the referrer:maskUrl command:

var referrers = [
window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
for (var i = 0; i < referrers.length; i++) {
window._uxa.push([ 'referrer:maskUrl', referrers[i] ]);

The referrer value in the pageview request for will be:


Consider this journey:

  1. Users navigate from to
  2. A pageview is sent on
  3. The referrer value in both the browser and in the pageview request is

To mask Personal data in the query string part of the referrer, use the referrer:removeQueryString command:

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];

The referrer value in the pageview request for will be:

Removing Personal Data in the API errors

Section titled Removing Personal Data in the API errors

Rewrite the URL before the Tag is tracking the API errors and collecting the request URL, using the api-errors:maskUrl command.

The api-errors:maskUrl command takes the whole URL to display in replacement of the URL containing Personal Data as a parameter - not only the path or the query string.

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];

This command must be fired on all pages containing Personal Data which call the Contentsquare API, and before the main tag is loaded.

Simply replace a step of the path - meaning between two slashes (/) - containing Personal Data with a variable:

  • :user_id becomes CS_ANONYMIZED_USER_ID
  • :address becomes CS_ANONYMIZED_ADDRESS
  • Following this pattern :email becomes CS_ANONYMIZED_EMAIL
var urls = [
window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
window._uxa.push([ 'api-errors:maskUrl', urls[i] ]);
URL before maskingURL after masking

The Contentsquare Tracking Tag does not collect any text typed into input or textarea fields.

If you need to display the personal data of a user, such as shipping/delivery addresses, names, phone numbers, email addresses, text inputs in a form field…, use our collect and encrypt mode.

The collect and encrypt mode allows for collecting, storing, and displaying text in input, textarea fields, or any other element within a page that is usually masked by the Tag, before it is sent to our servers.

Collect and encrypt personal data from the collected HTML

Section titled Collect and encrypt personal data from the collected HTML

There are two methods to collect and encrypt personal data from the collected HTML:

  • Using the Contentsquare Encryption Selector
  • Tagging DOM Elements

Each DOM element to be collected and encrypted is identified via its CSS selector. These selectors are pushed to the API via a JavaScript object. The content of the identified element is then encrypted and collected for session replays.

The following object that contains CSS selectors for text should be pushed to the API as follows, before firing the main tag:

window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
window._uxa.push(['setEncryptionSelectors', "#cart, .total-items"]);

The data-cs-encrypt attribute can be added on an input field, textarea field, or any other element. Instead of being masked, the text present there will be encrypted, stored, and made available for exposing under specific conditions.

The encryption process happens on the innerText property of the tagged element. It does not apply on nested elements: the text of the nested element won’t be masked nor encrypted. Make sure to add the data-cs-encrypt attribute on the most granular elements that must be collected.

<h2 class="welcoming">
Welcome back
<span class="user_name" data-cs-encrypt>John Doe</span>

You can also add the data-cs-encrypt attribute with JavaScript provided you do it before any pageview is sent.

To use Controlled Exposure, all data to be collected must be encrypted. To do this, you will need to obtain a combination of encryption keys:

  • Public key: is used by the Tracking Tag so we can encrypt the data
  • Private key: is used by the APP for decryption

Option 1: With a Google chrome script

Section titled Option 1: With a Google chrome script
  1. Copy the following script:

    function arrayBufferToString(buffer) {
    const byteArray = new Uint8Array(buffer);
    let byteString = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < byteArray.byteLength; i += 1) {
    byteString += String.fromCodePoint(byteArray[i]);
    return byteString;
    name: "RSA-OAEP",
    hash: "SHA-256",
    modulusLength: 4096,
    publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1,0,1])
    }, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]).then(
    (keysObject) => {
    crypto.subtle.exportKey("pkcs8", keysObject.privateKey).then(result => {
    const privateKey = btoa(arrayBufferToString(result));
    console.log(`Private key: `, privateKey);
    crypto.subtle.exportKey("spki", keysObject.publicKey).then(result => {
    const publicKey = btoa(arrayBufferToString(result));
    console.log(`Public key: `,publicKey);
  2. Paste the script in the Chrome console.

  3. Press enter on the keyboard.

Option 2: With OpenSSL or OpenSSH

Section titled Option 2: With OpenSSL or OpenSSH

On linux/Mac, you can use OpenSSL:

openssl genpkey -out mykey.pem -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
openssl rsa -in mykey.pem -pubout >

On Windows you will need to install WSL.

  1. Go to the Console > Choose the account > Choose the project > “Encryption management” tab.
  2. Click “Store public key”.
  3. Paste your preferred public key.
  4. Click “Store key”.

Unmask on-screen text in Contentsquare

Section titled Unmask on-screen text in Contentsquare
  1. Select the key icon and select Unmask on-screen text
  2. Enter in the private key and select decrypt (all replays will be exposed).

The User Identifier feature allows searching for replays belonging to specific users, using a unique identifier. You gain the ability to search and access all sessions associated with a specific user, for example, within the selected date range. This is useful in the case of user feedback or complaints.

The user identifier can be any value which uniquely identifies a user such as a username, an account number, email address, phone number, CRM ID, or loyalty system ID. It is immediately hashed and encoded in a one-way format before it is sent to Contentsquare.

When filtering Session Replays with a user identifier in Contentsquare, the same hashing algorithm is used and both hashes are compared to match the user identifier with its associated replay(s).

User identifier implementation

Section titled User identifier implementation
  1. Choosing the right User Identifier: Opt for a unique identifier like the email address, username, or account number that is available on the front-end.

  2. Collecting User Identifiers: To collect the user identifier, you need to send a page event using the trackPageEvent command, with the prefix @user-identifier@:

    window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
    window._uxa.push(['trackPageEvent', '@user-identifier@user_email']);

    Or if you pull the identifier from the data layer:

    window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
    window._uxa.push(['trackPageEvent', '@user-identifier@' + dataLayer.Name]);

    The user identifier value is limited to 100 characters.