Collected data

You will find below an exhaustive list of all data being collected. In particular, potential Personal Data would be:

  1. Into the HTML content that is sent for a small fraction of our visitors. Solutions to prevent this from happening:

    • Remove some sensitive content (this chapter explains how)

    • Totally deactivate this for all users (some features may then be unavailable like Session Replay or retroactive background; ask your Account Manager).

  2. Into Custom Variables sent to our servers (to prevent this from happening, make sure that the values that you wish to collect could not be linked to one individual).

  • We don’t collect the values of form fields.
  • We don’t collect what the user types in.
  • We remove every email-looking string in URL, Custom Vars, Dynamic Vars and Session Replay before they are sent to our servers.
DataUsageValue example
User AgentDevice type (desktop/tablet/mobile) and browser detectionMozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5)
City GeolocationWeb users geolocation (based on the IP address; for more info on IP Addresses see dedicated section)Paris, France
URLMappings: group pageviews on similar page templates
Screen ResolutionSegments1600x900
RefererSegments: Trafic source detection
ClicksZoning Analysis{target: “div#zone”, t:1500}
Clicked Element (button & link)Segmentation, Funnels{target: “button#checkout”, t:1500 text: “Checkout”}
HoversZoning Analysis{target: “div#zone”, t:1500}
ScrollZoning Analysis (exposure metrics){top:0px, left: 0px; t:1500}
Mouse moveActivity rate{x:200, y:800, t:1500}
FocusNot used{target: “div#zone”, t:1500}
E-commerce data (if feasible)Value example
Transaction ID1234
Product Total11.99
Product ID1234
Product nameGreen shoes
Product quantity1
Product categoryShoes

These data add up to those which can be sent by Custom Vars.