Webview Plugin

A plugin to use Contentsquare in webview_flutter webviews.

This plugin supports Android and iOS.

This plugin exposes a custom implementation of the Webview tracking feature which tracks webview_flutter package webviews without having to implement the tracker again.

This package is not required to track these webviews but offers a convenient wrapper around the base ContentsquareWebViewTrackerBuilder class.

This package relies on the Contentsquare Flutter plugin, and does not need any additional configuration.

Add the contentsquare_webview_flutter package in your pubspec.yaml:

sdk: flutter
contentsquare_webview_flutter: ^2.1.0

then run

Terminal window
flutter pub get
final _webViewController = WebViewController();
webViewController: _webViewController,
onTrackingReady: () => _webViewController.loadRequest(Uri.parse(url)),
child: WebViewWidget(controller: _webViewController),

Each version of the Contentsquare Webview Flutter plugin is related to a version of the third party plugin webview_flutter.

Contentsquare WebView Flutter Versionwebview_flutter VersionContentsquare Flutter Plugin Version
  • Contentsquare Flutter Plugin:
    • 2.3.0 → 3.1.0
  • Support of Flutter 3.10
  • Contentsquare Flutter Plugin:
    • 2.2.0 → 2.3.0
  • Support of webview_flutter v4
  • Support of webview_flutter v3