To learn about Contentsquare privacy practices, see our Privacy Center ↗ and Privacy Policy ↗.
Handling User Consent
Section titled Handling User ConsentContentsquare collects usage data on your app. By default, the SDK will consider every new user to be opted-out. To start tracking, the SDK Opt-in API must be called.
You are responsible for handling the UI asking users for their consent and allowing them to manage their privacy settings. Use the Contentsquare SDK APIs to pass the user decision to the SDK.
Privacy APIs
Section titled Privacy APIsContentsquare provides APIs to manage the user consent.
Section titled Opt-inUse the Opt-in API to get user consent. Calling this API will generate a user ID and initiate tracking.
[Contentsquare optIn];
Section titled Opt-OutWhen this API is called, tracking stops immediately, all settings are reset (Session number, Page number…) and all files and directory regarding to Contentsquare are deleted. This means that the user ID is deleted. The SDK will never track and collect any data from the user’s phone unless the Opt-in API is called again.
[Contentsquare optOut];
Get Contentsquare User ID
Section titled Get Contentsquare User IDUse this API to get the Contentsquare User ID. This can be used as to make a data request to Contentsquare as part of an end user request.
[Contentsquare userID];
Pause / Resume Tracking
Section titled Pause / Resume TrackingContentsquare does not collect any humanly readable text from the user’s screens.
To completely exclude areas of the App from tracking, use the pause and resume tracking APIs.
When stop/pause
is called, the SDK pauses all tracking (Analytics, Session Replay, Errors).
When resume
is called, the SDK resumes all tracking (Analytics, Session Replay, Errors).
Contentsquare.stopTracking()// ...Contentsquare.resumeTracking()
[Contentsquare stopTracking];// ...[Contentsquare resumeTracking];
Forget me
Section titled Forget mePermanently breaking the link between the collected data and actual user.
This resets all settings and deletes all files and directories from the user’s device (User ID is deleted). If user is opted in, next time user starts the app, the SDK will re-start its collection mechanisms as if this was the first ever run for a new user, under a new user id. Configurations will be fetched from the server and application tracking will be on.
[Contentsquare forgetMe];
Disable user tracking across sessions
Section titled Disable user tracking across sessionsIf you don’t want to link the different sessions of a user to the same userID, follow these instructions to reset the userID at each app start:
Implement the following:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) {Contentsquare.start()Contentsquare.optOut()Contentsquare.optIn()…}Starting the SDK manually using
will ensure that opt-out is called right after the start of the SDK (no event tracked in between).Calling
will delete the previous userID.Calling
will set a new one.
Session Replay privacy APIs
Section titled Session Replay privacy APIsAs part of Session Replay capabilities, Contentsquare provides masking and un-masking APIs to control how data is collected. See Session Replay Personal data masking for more information.
App Store Privacy Guidelines Compliance
Section titled App Store Privacy Guidelines ComplianceThe Contentsquare SDK is compliant with the App Store Privacy guidelines ↗.
Privacy manifest
Section titled Privacy manifestContentsquare SDK includes a privacy manifest ↗ describing the type of data collected and their purpose. See Apple’s website for more information ↗.
Tracking and App Tracking Transparency (ATT)
Section titled Tracking and App Tracking Transparency (ATT)App Store (Apple) requests App developers to receive the user’s permission to track them or access Advertising ID using the AppTrackingTransparency framework (ATT).
According to Apple’s definition, Contentsquare only matches the definition of a “Third- party partner” involved in Data collection ↗.
It is not required to put Contentsquare behind the ATT as it does not match the “tracking” definition of Apple ↗ as the data collected is not linked with Third-Party Data for targeted advertising or advertising measurement purposes nor shared with a data broker.
Data linked to the user
Section titled Data linked to the userAll collected data is linked to the user via the Contentsquare User ID we generate.
Types of data and purpose
Section titled Types of data and purposeHere is the list of data type we collect by default that are part of our privacy manifests.
Categories | Data type | Purposes |
Identifiers | User ID | Analytics, App Functionality |
Usage Data | Product Interaction | Analytics, App Functionality |
Usage Data | Other usage data | Analytics, App Functionality |
Other Data types | Other Data types | Analytics, App Functionality |
Diagnostics | Crashes | Analytics, App functionality |
Diagnostics | Performance data | Analytics, App functionality |
Diagnostics | Other diagnostic data | Analytics, App functionality |
See how the data types and purposes are reflected in the privacy manifest ↗.
User identifiers
Section titled User identifiersContentsquare User ID
Section titled Contentsquare User IDThe SDK generates a unique user ID (UUID) (random hash) which is specific to users on their device. Contentsquare cannot identify a user across devices.
This user ID and all collected data are stored for 13 months.
We don’t persist the UUID when the app is deleted and re-installed. The SDK generates a new UUID after install or re-install.
Contentsquare does not share this user ID with any third parties.
Contentsquare does not collect the IDFA (Advertising ID) or any ad related information to identify the user.
Check out our page about 10 Things to know about the Contentsquare solution’s data processing ↗.
”User identifier” feature
Section titled ”User identifier” featureContentsquare provides the ability to search for session(s) associated with a specific visitor, based on an identifier provided by the customer. See User identifier feature for more information.