Track custom variables

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This is only available for iOS. Custom Variables are not supported on Android yet 🚨

Custom variables are additional information on the page, the user or the session, sent along with screenviews.

For example, they can include information on the current layout of a screen, like day/night mode.

  • It is possible to save up to 20 distinct custom variable per screenview. If more are received, only the first 20 custom variables, based on their index value, will be kept.
  • The index value of the custom variable is used to determine which custom variables to be kept. Only index value from 1 to 20 (inclusive) will be taken into account.
  • Every custom variable is composed of index, name and value.
  • If you are using the same index twice in the same screen, only the first (name, value) pair associated with the index will be kept.
  • It is possible to save up to 20 custom vars on the same screenview.
  • In case name(max. 512 characters) or value(max. 255 characters) maximum character length is reached, the SDK will automatically trim the exceeding characters.
  • If name or value are empty, the SDK will instead send the literal string "cs-empty".
  • Use a consistent index for a given custom var within an application — for instance, if the “screen layout” is collected with an index of 3, use the slot 3 for this information on every screen of the application.

To define and send custom variables, follow this example:

import 'package:contentsquare/contentsquare.dart';
final customVar1 = CustomVar(
index: 1,
name: 'customName_1',
value: 'customValue_1',
final customVar2 = CustomVar(
index: 2,
name: 'customName_2',
value: 'customValue_2',
customVars: [customVar1, customVar2],