In-app features
Alongside its tracking capabilities, the SDKs embed some features aimed at Contentsquare users such as SDK Logs.
Implement in-app features
Section titled Implement in-app featuresTo allow Contentsquare users to enable in-app features, perform these tasks:
1. Add the custom URL scheme in your app Info
Section titled 1. Add the custom URL scheme in your app InfoYou have to allow your app to be opened via a custom URL scheme which can be done using one of the following methods:
Section titled Xcode- Open your project settings
- Select the app target
- Select the
settings - Scroll to
URL Types
- Set the URL scheme to
Text editor
Section titled Text editor-
Open the
of your project -
Add the following snippet:
Info.plist <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key><array><dict><key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key><array><string>cs-$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)</string></array></dict></array>
2. Call the SDK when the app is launched via a deeplink
Section titled 2. Call the SDK when the app is launched via a deeplinkDepending on the project, there are multiple ways to handle the deeplink opening. Choose the method matching your project structure:
In your AppDelegate
class, complete or implement the function application(app, open url:, options:)
with: Contentsquare.handle(url: url)
In your WindowSceneDelegate
class, you need to:
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions)
with:if let url = connectionOptions.urlContexts.first?.url {Contentsquare.handle(url: url)} -
Complete or implement
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>)
with:if let url = URLContexts.first?.url {Contentsquare.handle(url: url)}
In the body
of your main App struct, add the onOpenURL
modifier and call the Contentsquare
SDK to handle the URL:
@mainstruct MyApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { MyView() .onOpenURL { url in Contentsquare.handle(url: url) } } }}
Enable in-app features
Section titled Enable in-app featuresIn-app features can be enabled in different ways:
Scan the QR Code
Section titled Scan the QR CodeIf you have access to the Contentsquare platform, you can open the in-app features modal from the menu and scan the QR code displayed with your phone.
Take a look at the native documentation for further information.
Alternative methods
Section titled Alternative methodsWe provide alternative methods to enable in-app features especially for iOS Simulator and Android Emulator.
๐ Native Android SDK documentation for Enable in-app features
๐ Native iOS SDK documentation for Enable in-app features
Debugging and Logging
Section titled Debugging and LoggingContentsquare provides Logging capabilities that allow you to see the raw event data logged by your app. Use this for validation purposes during the instrumentation phase of development and can help you discover errors and mistakes in your analytics implementation and confirm that all events are being logged correctly.
๐ Native Android SDK documentation for Debugging and Logging
๐ Native iOS SDK documentation for Debugging and Logging