OAuth2 authentication
Section titled OAuth2 authenticationThe Contentsquare APIs use the server-to-server OAuth 2.0 standard for authentication, also know as 2-legged OAuth or OAuth 2LO.
The flow basically consists in calling an authentication endpoint with a pair client_id
/ client_secret
to retrieve
an access token that remains valid for 1 hour. This JWT token should then be used as a Bearer token in the headers of
your HTTPS requests (in the form Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
Note that the API call to the authentication endpoint will also dynamically return the right base URL that you must use. This base URL depends on which cloud the target project is installed on.
You can refer below to a detailed example of the overall flow to retrieve a token and a base URL, and use those to query the Data Export API.
You can generate a pair client_id
/ client_secret
from the Contentsquare console ↗,
as a Contentsquare administrator. You can find how to generate these credentials in our Help Center documentation.
You can create OAuth credentials either:
- At the Project level, to request access resources from a specific project only
- At the Account level: to request access for any project of the account
Refresh your access token
Section titled Refresh your access tokenOnce you get a JWT access token (see the authentication endpoint below), it’s valid for 1 hour.
If you try to query the Contentsquare APIs with access to token that has expired, you will receive a 401 Unauthorized
error with the error code JWT_EXPIRED
, in the form:
{ "success": false, "errorMessage": "Auth token is expired.", "errorCode": "JWT_EXPIRED"}
In that case, you should first use your OAuth credentials (your pair client_id
/ client_secret
) to query a new
access token. The OAuth credentials don’t expire.
Authentication endpoint
Section titled Authentication endpointPOST ↗
Request parameters
client_id string Required
The OAuth
generated from the Contentsquare console. -
client_secret string Required
The OAuth
generated from the Contentsquare console. -
grant_type string Required
Always set it to
, as required by the OAuth 2.0 standard. -
scope string Required
You should use
You cannot combine this scope with any other scopes (for example:data-export enrichment
will return an error). -
project_id integer
Required only if you use account-level OAuth credentials, to specify which project of the account you want to target.
integration_id integer Required
Required only if you use the
This is the ID of the target integration.
This ID is provided by Contentsquare when installing the integration on a project.
Request example
curl --location '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{ "client_id": "c3133d76-a768-4f5a-XXX", "client_secret": "0ISL0DEC;UyYKB;riWRS0EXXX", "grant_type": "client_credentials", "scope": "enrichment", "project_id": 42, "integration_id": 123,}'
Response example
{ "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSIsImtpY5MTXXX.CNTcKWAUb2mTp2cZyiDRYYOtGCKXXX", // to be used as bearer token to query the APIs "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "scope": "enrichment", "project_id": 42, "endpoint": "" // this is the base URL you should use to query the Data Export API endpoints - the provided URL depends on the cloud the project is installed on}
Example of authentication flow
Section titled Example of authentication flowBelow is a sample of JavaScript code to show a complete API call flow that first retrieves an access token and then use it to retrieve the list of export jobs on a project:
const clientId = "<your_client_id>";const clientSecret = "<your_client_secret>";const authEndpoint = "";const authRequestOptions = { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ client_id: clientId, client_secret: clientSecret, grant_type: "client_credentials", scope: "data-export", project_id: 42, integration_id: 123, }),};const authResponse = await fetch(authEndpoint, authRequestOptions);const authJsonData = await authResponse.json();// Below are the access token and base URL that must be used to query the Data Export API endpointsconst accessToken = authJsonData.access_token;const baseURL = authJsonData.endpoint;// Using the access token and endpoint to push data to the enrichment APIawait fetch(`${baseURL}/...`);
OAuth credentials information endpoint
Section titled OAuth credentials information endpointPOST ↗
Request parameters
client_id string
The OAuth
generated from the Contentsquare console. -
client_secret string
The OAuth
generated from the Contentsquare console.
Request example
curl --location '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{ "client_id": "c3133d76-a768-4f5a-XXX", "client_secret": "0ISL0DEC;UyYKB;riWRS0EXXX",}'
Response example
{ "scopes": "metrics data-export session-replay symbolicator", "permissions": { "projects": [ { "id": 42, "name": "UX ANALYTICS" } ] }}