Track screens

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Contentsquare aggregates user behavior and engagement at the screen level. To do so, it is required to track screen transitions by calling a dedicated API. When the API is called, the SDK logs a screen_view event that identifies the new screen with the screen name provided.

import ContentsquareModule
Contentsquare.send(screenViewWithName: String, cvars: [CustomVar] = [])

The screen name is limited to 2083 characters. However, this limit is not enforced by the SDK, but rather by the Contentsquare servers.

Screenview after app in background

Section titled Screenview after app in background

The SDK triggers a screenview automatically after the app is put in background and foreground, as long as a screenview with a screen name has been triggered previously. It will use the last screen name set.

Implementation recommendations

Section titled Implementation recommendations

From a functional standpoint, we expect a screenview to be sent:

  • Right after the SDK has started
  • When the screen appears
  • When a modal/pop-up is closed and the user is back on the screen
  • When the app is put in the foreground (after an app hide)

We advise you to take a look at our reference implementations of screenviews in our sample app. Learning from them is the best way to make sure your implementations are correct. Regardless, here is some general advice.

When to send your first screenview

Section titled When to send your first screenview

Most events collected by the SDK require a screenview event to be sent first so they can be associated with that screen; otherwise, they will be discarded. If you need to collect events from the moment the app launches, you should trigger a screenview event immediately after the SDK has started.

If the SDK is started automatically, you should send your first screenview when your app’s life cycle begins. For instance, you can send it in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: of your UIApplicationDelegate if you are using UIKit, or in the init() of your App struct if you are using SwiftUI:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// ...
Contentsquare.send(screenViewWithName: "Launch screen")
// ...
return true

If the SDK is started manually, you should send your first screenview right after calling start():

Contentsquare.send(screenViewWithName: "Launch screen")

From a functional standpoint, we expect a screenview to be sent:

  • When the screen appears
  • When a modal/pop-up is closed and the user is back on the screen
  • When the app is put in the foreground (after an app hide)

As a general rule of thumb, you should send your screenviews in viewWillAppear(_ animate: Bool). Be aware that only doing this might not cover all your cases though, and you might need to send screenview events in other parts of your code.

Be careful when tagging screens with paged ScrollViews: if you want to create a screenview event whenever the user changes the page, do so in UIScrollViewDelegate’s scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) function. Make sure that you do not trigger a double tag when the screen appears, or when you come back to the screen after the app being hidden. Also make sure not to send a screenview when the user slightly interacts with a page, but without really changing pages.

When dealing with popups and modals, if you are having issues triggering a screenview event for the underlying view when the modal closes we have the following advice. You could overcome this issue by using a delegate pattern, and setting the underlying screen as the modal’s delegate. The modal would call some delegate method when it is dismissed. The underlying screen would implement that method, where it would make the screenview.

Back navigation and navigation between screens

Section titled Back navigation and navigation between screens

Make sure that screenview events will be triggered when a user will go to the previous screen (example: Home → Profile → Home), it is expected to have a screenview event for the Home screen that might be reached with the back navigation button. Normally, if you send your screenviews in viewWillAppear, this should work fine.

Redirecting the user to another screen (authentication, home) when closing the app/re-opening the app

Section titled Redirecting the user to another screen (authentication, home) when closing the app/re-opening the app

For some apps, you might want to redirect users whenever they hide your app, for example for security purposes (bank apps, password managers, etc…). If that is the case, pay specific attention to the way screenview events are sent, in order not to track a screen which is not actually shown users.

When your application returns from the background to the foreground, the SDK automatically logs a screenview with the title of the last logged screenview, so you don’t have to handle this transition yourself.

As a general rule, keep the number of distinct screen names under 100. Since these names are used to map your app in Contentsquare, choose names that are clear and comprehensive.

Separate words with spaces, dashes or underscores

Section titled Separate words with spaces, dashes or underscores

When generating screen names with multiple words, separate them using spaces, dashes, or underscores.

For instance, use Home and Living - Home Furnishings instead of homeLivingHomeFurnishings for a sub-category in a retail app.

Use screen template/layout names

Section titled Use screen template/layout names

As a general recommendation, use names referring to the screen template/layout rather than referring to the specific content (data). This will help:

  • To keep the number of distinct screen names low and therefore make Contentsquare easier to use
  • Remove the risk of sending Personal Data to Contentsquare

List of screen types falling into that category: Product detail, Event detail, Conversation/Chat, User profile…

Screens with multiple states/layouts

Section titled Screens with multiple states/layouts

Screens can have different layouts or states depending on the user context. In this case, append its value to the screen name.

Home screen

StateScreen name
App landing layoutHome
Women products layoutHome - Women
Men products layoutHome - Men
Sales layoutHome - Sales

Product Detail screen (PDP)

StateScreen name
Users on a Top for Women PDPPDP - Clothing - Women - Tops
Users on a Microwave PDPPDP - Kitchenware - Electrics - Microwave
Users on a Hotel details screenPDP - Holiday type - Season - Board

User account screen

StateScreen name
OverviewMy Account - Dashboard
Order historyMy Account - Order history
ReturnsMy Account - Returns

Search screen

StateScreen name
Search results for “Skincare” productsSearch - Skincare
Search results error screenSearch - Error

Cart screen

StateScreen name
Empty cartCart - Empty
Items have been added to the cartCart - Populated
Issues with availability or pricingCart - Error

Checkout screen

StateScreen name
User provides name, surname, and date of birthCheckout - User Details
User provides shipping addressCheckout - Shipping Details
User inputs their credit card informationCheckout - Payment