Track transactions
To associate a user’s session with their potential purchases (and corresponding revenue), you must send the transaction via a dedicated API. For each transaction, we send:
- Price (mandatory)
- Currency (mandatory)
- Transaction ID (optional)
Section titled CurrencyThe currency is conforming to the ISO 4217 ↗ standard. The currency can be passed either as “alphanumeric code” or “numeric code”.
If the currency passed doesn’t match the supported currencies, the SDK will send a currency value of -1
. It will be processed as the default currency of the project.
Contentsquare.stopTracking()// ...Contentsquare.resumeTracking()
// numeric currencyCustomerTransaction *transaction = [[CustomerTransaction alloc] initWithId:(NSString * _Nullable)value:(float)currency:(enum Currency)];[Contentsquare sendWithTransaction:transaction ];
// alphanumeric currencyCustomerTransaction *transaction = [[CustomerTransaction alloc] initWithId:(NSString * _Nullable)value:(float)stringCurrency:(NSString * _Nonnull)];[Contentsquare sendWithTransaction:transaction ];