Zone metrics for Apps endpoints
All zone metrics
Section titled All zone metricsGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}
Returns all zone metrics between two dates
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 16.953225338691635, "name": "avgTransactionAfterTap", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" }, { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 0.11907269940804448, "name": "dragFlickRate", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" }, { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 1.0633130962705983, "name": "dragFlickRecurrence", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" }, { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 7.6946619277745105, "name": "revenuePerTap", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" }, { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 12.096980737693068, "name": "tapRate", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" }, { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 1.0165105816266422, "name": "tapRecurrence", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" }, { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 4.493400932241734, "name": "timeBeforeFirstTap", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" }, { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 902791.6, "name": "totalRevenueWithTap", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}
Conversion rate per tap
Section titled Conversion rate per tapGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/conversion-rate-per-tap
Of users that tapped on the zone, the percentage that also completed the selected goal during the same session.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments -
goalId integer
To return conversion metrics for a non-ecommerce goal.
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 16.953225338691635, "name": "avgConversionAfterTap", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}
Section titled RevenueGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/revenue
Total revenue generated by users who clicked on the zone.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 900157.6, "name": "totalRevenueWithTap", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}
Revenue per tap
Section titled Revenue per tapGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/revenue-per-tap
Average revenue per tap generated by users after they tapped on an element.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 7.684434465625721, "name": "revenuePerTap", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}
Swipe rate
Section titled Swipe rateGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/swipe-rate
Percentage of users performing at least one swipe on a zone during a screen display.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 0.6463799007761929, "name": "dragFlickRate", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}
Swipe recurrence
Section titled Swipe recurrenceGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/swipe-recurrence
Average number of times an element was swiped when engaged with during a screenview.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 1.0633130962705983, "name": "dragFlickRecurrence", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}
Tap rate
Section titled Tap rateGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/tap-rate
Percentage of users that tapped on the zone at least once.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 12.096980737693068, "name": "tapRate", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}
Tap recurrence
Section titled Tap recurrenceGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/tap-recurrence
Average number of times an element was tapped when engaged with during a screenview.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 1.0165105816266422, "name": "tapRecurrence", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}
Time before first tap
Section titled Time before first tapGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/time-before-first-tap
Number of seconds between screen load and first tap on an element.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger than one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combined result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-07-16T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-07-22T00:00:00.000Z", "value": 4.493400932241734, "name": "timeBeforeFirstTap", "device": "mobile", "currency": "EUR" } ] }, "success": true}