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The Contentsquare SDK is compliant with the Play Store Privacy guidelines as well as with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Consult our Privacy Center and Privacy Policy.

Personally Identifiable Information

Section titled Personally Identifiable Information

We do not use Advertising ID or any ad related or third-party information to identify the user. The SDK generates a unique user ID (UUID) (random hash) which is specific to users on their device. Contentsquare can’t identify a user across devices. We don’t persist the UUID when the app is deleted and re-installed. The SDK generates a new UUID after install or re-install. This user ID is not shared with any third parties.

  • Advertising ID or any other ad related user identifier
  • Passwords from password fields
  • Geo location information
  • Information from contacts, emails, or any other user identifiable information.
  • Text from labels, buttons, and any other widget which contains text
  • Accessibility information from any widget which the user interacts with
  • Labels printed on the screen of any kind.

Even though Contentsquare only collects usage data on your app, the SDK will consider every new user to be opted-out. To start tracking, the SDK Opt-in API must be called.

You are responsible for creating the UI asking users for their consent and allowing them to manage their privacy settings and then calling the appropriate Contentsquare following functions (opt-in, opt-out, forget me…).

Use the Opt-in API to get user consent. Calling this API will generate a user ID and initiate tracking.

// To opt-in of CS Tracking
Contentsquare.optIn(@NonNull Context context);

Permanently breaking the link and stopping all data collection.

When this API is called, tracking stops immediately, all settings are reset (Session number, Page number…) and all files and directory regarding to Contentsquare are deleted. This means that the user ID is deleted. The SDK will never track and collect any data from the user’s phone unless the Opt-in API is called again.

// To opt-out of CS Tracking
Contentsquare.optOut(@NonNull Context context);

Permanently breaking the link between the collected data and actual user.

This resets all settings and deletes all files and directories from the user’s device (User ID is deleted). If user is opted in, next time user starts the app, the SDK will re-start its collection mechanisms as if this was the first ever run for a new user, under a new user id. Configurations will be fetched from the server and application tracking will be on.


We allow the client to provide to their users their Contentsquare user ID.

This ID is a non binding identifier which can be used to make a data request to Contentsquare. You are able to get an ID only if the user is not Opted-out.

// Get CS User ID

Although we do not gather any humanly readable text from the user’s screens, we understand that there may be some areas that you want to completely exclude from tracking. For this reason we also support stopping and resuming the complete tracking mechanism.

// Stop tracking
// Resume tracking

Gestures are tracked automatically. In specific cases, you might want to stop gesture tracking momentarily for some Activities. To do so, you can use our public API:

Contentsquare.doNotTrack(@NonNull Class<? extends Activity>... activitiesClasses) // will filter out the activities by their classes

In case you still need to track those activities but the automatic gesture tracking was not working we are offering you the possibility to do this manually by capturing and dispatching the GestureEvents through our Public API method:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun dispatchTouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent): Boolean {
return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev)

Disable user tracking across sessions

Section titled Disable user tracking across sessions

If you don’t want to link the different sessions of a user to the same userID, you can follow these instructions to reset the userID at each app start:

  1. Disable SDK auto-start

  2. Implement the following:

    class MyApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
    // Start Contentsquare SDK

    Starting the SDK manually using start() will ensure that opt-out is called right after the start of the SDK (no event tracked in between).

    Calling optOut() will delete the previous userID.

    Calling optIn() will set a new one.