Track WebViews

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Inject the Bridge between the CS Tag in WebView mode and the SDK

Section titled Inject the Bridge between the CS Tag in WebView mode and the SDK

This step is twofold:

  1. It will inject our JavaScript Bridge in order to connect the CS Tag in WebView mode and our SDK.
  2. It will inject your CS Tag in WebView mode if it was not already injected, allowing us to gather data on all your webviews, even when the user is offline, on pages showing local HTML.

In order to inject this JavaScript, you will use our CSWebView component to render your WebView, as detailed bellow.

Here is a screen with a react-native-webview WebView component. Let’s detail how we will inject it with the Contentsquare JavaScript WebView interface.

import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
const WebviewWithTagScreen = () => {
return (
source={{ uri: "" }}
export default WebviewWithTagScreen;

1. Use the CSWebView component to render your WebView

Section titled 1. Use the CSWebView component to render your WebView

Our CSWebView component will perform all the needed task to inject the WebView. Import the CSWebView component (1) and move your current WebView implementation to the renderWebView prop (2) in CSWebView. The renderWebView prop’s callBack exposes an onLayout parameter, which will be used to extract the WebView tag needed for the injection. Pass the onLayout parameter to the WebView’s onLayout callBack (3).

import React from 'react';
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
import { CSWebView } from '@contentsquare/react-native-bridge'; // (1)
const WebviewWithTagScreen = () => {
return (
<CSWebView // (1)
renderWebView={(onLayout, webViewUrl) => { // (2)
return (
onLayout={onLayout} // (3)
source={{ uri: "" }}
export default WebviewWithTagScreen;

CSWebView handles internally setting the URL state. For this, pass the URL to CSWebView (1), then the renderWebView callBack will expose a URL (2) to be set on your webview (3)

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
import { CSWebView } from '@contentsquare/react-native-bridge';
const WebviewWithTagScreen = () => {
return (
url="" // (1)
renderWebView={(onLayout, webViewUrl) => { // (2)
return (
source={{ uri: webViewUrl }} // (3)
export default WebviewWithTagScreen;

If you have a more complex use for your webviews such as static HTML), you can use our CSWebView Component with the source prop (1). Then, the renderWebView callBack will expose a new source object (2) to be passed on to your webview (3)

import { CSWebView } from '@contentsquare/react-native-bridge';
import React from 'react';
import WebView from 'react-native-webview';
const htmlPage = `<html lang="en">
const WebViewWithTagHTML = () => {
return (
source={{ // (1)
html: htmlPage,
renderWebView={(onLayout, source) => { // (2)
return <WebView onLayout={onLayout} source={source} />; // (3)
export default WebViewWithTagHTML;

Inject the CS Tag in WebView mode into your HTML page

Section titled Inject the CS Tag in WebView mode into your HTML page

After doing all the above, in order for the implementation to be completed, you will need to make sure our CS Tag in WebView mode is injected on your pages. To do so, refer to 📚 Mobile Apps WebView Tracking Documentation.