
  • Native SDKs:

  • iOS

    • Added support for the react-native-linear-gradient library
  • Track transactions

    • Enhancements to the sendTransaction method
    • ⛔️ DEPRECATED sendTransactionWithStringCurrency: use sendTransaction instead
  • Error Analysis

    • Collect information for crashes in React Native
  • Native SDKs:

  • Official support for React Native up to 0.75.x

  • Bug fix: Android - Resolved an issue where navigating back in the webview history would result in a white screen

  • Bug fix: Android - Fixed a crash issue when manually initializing the SDK

  • Bug fix: Fixing an issue with source and URL prop changes in CSWebView
  • Native SDKs:

  • Bug fix: Fixing an issue where occasionally closing a WebView freezes the view.

4.1.0 - 2024.01.17 [⛔️ DEPRECATED]

Section titled 4.1.0 - 2024.01.17 [⛔️ DEPRECATED]
  • Bug fix: URL injection method in WebView
  • Official support for React Native up to 0.73.x
  • BREAKING CHANGE: New WebView injection method. Refer to new documentation to check implementation Track WebViews

3.10.0 - 2023.12.21 [⛔️ DEPRECATED]

Section titled 3.10.0 - 2023.12.21 [⛔️ DEPRECATED]
  • Native SDKs:

  • Session Replay

    • Added a new method setUserIdentifier
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug on Android when using the start method

  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug on Android when using the CSMask

3.7.1 - 2023.10.04 [⛔️ DEPRECATED]

Section titled 3.7.1 - 2023.10.04 [⛔️ DEPRECATED]
  • Bug fix: Fixed a crash that occurred when manually starting the application while InApp features were active

3.7.0 - 2023.09.19 [⛔️ DEPRECATED]

Section titled 3.7.0 - 2023.09.19 [⛔️ DEPRECATED]
  • Support use_frameworks! in Podfile
  • Native SDKs:

  • Official support for React Native up to 0.72.x

  • Bug fix: Fixed WebView Injection on Android - there was an issue with WebView injection failing during the initial visit of a WebView

  • Bug fix: Fixed CSMask - there was an issue with CSMask impacting the screen layout

  • Zoning analysis: Reliable targets feature is now available on iOS

  • Session Replay: Collecting gesture events is now available on iOS

  • Error Analysis:

    • Enabled collection of failed network requests (API Errors)
    • Enabled collection of API Error troubleshooting details (Available in the Session Replay)
    • Added a method to mask API errors using template URL ErrorAnalysis.setUrlMaskingPatterns
  • Fix a bug where React Native project with version below 0.70 couldn’t find CSMask import.
  • Fix of an Xcode 14 issue
  • Custom Variables: The Custom Variables feature is now supported by the bridge (for iOS only, beta version).
  • Adding masking component for future Session Replay feature (WIP)
  • The Bridge uses iOS native SDK 4.20.0
  • Official support for React Native up to 0.71.x
  • Add error callback to dynamic variables method
  • Upgrade maximum React Native version compatibility to 0.70.x
  • BREAKING CHANGE: New WebView injection method
  • Fix unreliable WebView injection.
  • Official support for React Native up to 0.67.x
  • Fixing a crash caused by WebViews in some specific cases.
  • The bridge is now available at @contentsquare/react-native-bridge.
  • The Bridge uses Android native SDK 3.1.0 and iOS native SDK 3.1.1
  • Bridge only supports React Native >=0.60
  • Dynamic Variables are supported