Zone metrics for Web endpoints
All zone metrics
Section titled All zone metricsGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}
Returns all zone metrics between two dates
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments -
goalId integer
To return conversion metrics for a non-ecommerce goal.
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 6.033720930232558, "name": "averageRevenueAfterClick", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 10.497237569060774, "name": "avgConversionAfterClick", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 10.9011137360783, "name": "avgConversionAfterHover", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 0.003087246192893401, "name": "avgHoverTime", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 33.472123489387634, "name": "clickRate", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 1.4462985436893203, "name": "clickRepetition", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 104.56852791878173, "name": "engagementRateLive", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 0.5985779733009708, "name": "hesitation", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 32.00974916218137, "name": "hoverRate", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 15.274424150485437, "name": "timeBeforeFirstClick", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 4767, "name": "totalClicks", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" }, { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T09:59:03.543Z", "value": 25945, "name": "totalRevenueAfterClick", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Attractiveness rate
Section titled Attractiveness rateGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/attractiveness-rate
The percentage of page views with at least one select the zone out of the views where the zone was displayed. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-10-10T22:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-10-17T21:59:59.000Z", "value": 4.808743169398907, "name": "attractivityRate", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Click rate
Section titled Click rateGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/click-rate
The percentage of pageviews with at least one select the zone. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:10:50.314Z", "value": 33.472123489387634, "name": "clickRate", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Click recurrence
Section titled Click recurrenceGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/click-recurrence
The average number of clicks on the zone, for pageviews with at least one select the zone. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:11:13.661Z", "value": 1.4462985436893203, "name": "clickRepetition", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Conversion Rate per Click
Section titled Conversion Rate per ClickGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/conversion-rate-per-click
Percentage of visitors who achieved the goal after clicking on a zone. This metric allows you to determine whether interaction (click) with a zoning encourages or prevents visitors from exhibiting the goal. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments -
goalId integer
To return conversion metrics for a non-ecommerce goal.
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:11:44.754Z", "value": 10.497237569060774, "name": "avgConversionAfterClick", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Conversion Rate per Hover
Section titled Conversion Rate per HoverGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/conversion-rate-per-hover
Percentage of visitors who achieved the goal after hovering on a zone. This metric allows you to determine whether consumption (hover) of zone is contributing or detrimental to completing the goal. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments -
goalId integer
To return conversion metrics for a non-ecommerce goal.
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:12:16.518Z", "value": 10.9011137360783, "name": "avgConversionAfterHover", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Engagement Rate
Section titled Engagement RateGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/engagement-rate
Percentage of visitors who clicked after having hovered a zone. This metric translates the affordance of an element, that is its capacity to define how it should be interacted with through its design. For example, the design of a CTA should make it obvious that it should be clicked. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:12:56.222Z", "value": 104.56852791878173, "name": "engagementRateLive", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Exposure rate
Section titled Exposure rateGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/exposure-rate
The exposure rate takes into account the time spent on a zone. If a user scrolled through a zone very quickly, it will not be taken into account in the exposure data. A zone can only be considered “exposed” if it has been displayed for at least 150 milliseconds. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-10-10T22:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-10-17T21:59:59.000Z", "value": 87.4, "name": "exposureRate", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Exposure time
Section titled Exposure timeGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/exposure-time
Time a zone was exposed. A zone can only be considered “exposed” if it has been displayed for at least 150 milliseconds. If you scroll fast from the top to the bottom of the page, the middle page will not be taken into account as the scroll movement is too fast to consider the zones in the middle have been exposed.. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-10-10T22:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-10-17T21:59:59.000Z", "value": 20.451490710382515, "name": "exposureTime", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Hesitation time
Section titled Hesitation timeGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/hesitation
Average time elapsed between the last hover and the first select a zone. This metric translates whether the content is understood quickly or if users hesitate before clicking. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:13:21.844Z", "value": 0.5985779733009708, "name": "hesitation", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Hover Rate
Section titled Hover RateGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/hover-rate
Percentage of users who hovered a zone at least once. This metric determines which zones are consumed the most. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:13:51.154Z", "value": 32.00974916218137, "name": "hoverRate", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Hover time / Float time
Section titled Hover time / Float timeGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/hover-time
Average total time spent hovering over an element. This metric translates interest or lack of clarity, depending on the type of element. For example, a float time over 3 seconds is positive on an image or description text but is not on a CTA. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:14:10.533Z", "value": 0.003087246192893401, "name": "avgHoverTime", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Number of clicks
Section titled Number of clicksGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/number-of-clicks
The total number of clicks on the zone, for pageviews with at least one select the zone.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:14:33.276Z", "value": 4767, "name": "totalClicks", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Section titled RevenueGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/revenue
Total revenue generated by the segmented users after they clicked on an element. This metric ranks elements based on their contribution to revenue. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
This metric is only accessible for “e-commerce” projects.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:14:56.993Z", "value": 25945, "name": "totalRevenueAfterClick", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Revenue per Click
Section titled Revenue per ClickGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/revenue-per-click
Average revenue per click generated by users after they clicked on an element. This metric ranks elements based on their contribution to revenue. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
This metric is only accessible for “e-commerce” projects.
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:15:15.384Z", "value": 7.871662621359223, "name": "averageRevenueAfterClick", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}
Time Before First Click
Section titled Time Before First ClickGET /v1/metrics/zone/{zoneId}/time-before-first-click
Number of seconds between page load and first select an element. This metric identifies which elements were interacted with first. More information regarding the metric and how to interpret it… ↗
Query parameters
projectId integer
Required only for an account-level API key. The target project.
startDate ISO 8601 date string Required
Beginning of date range for analysis. Must be a date prior to
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
endDate ISO 8601 date string Required
End of date range for analysis. Must be a date after
.ISO format in UTC (for example “2021-08-13T12:32:40.000Z”) or with a time zone offset (“2021-08-13T12:32:40+02:00” or “2021-08-13T12:32:40%2B+02:00” when encoded in the URL).
device string
Device filter for analysis.
Possible values:
, ortablet
. -
period string
Granularity of the results. Can only be used on a date range larger then one day. It allows you to have data for each day instead of having a combine result.
Possible values: none (default),
. -
segmentIds integer
Filter analysis with Contentsquare segments. Default: All visitors.
You can specify multiple segments separated by commas to retrieve the metrics for the intersection of the specified segments
Path parameters
zoneId integer Required
The ID of the Zone.
Example of response
{ "payload": { "values": [ { "startDate": "2021-08-03T00:00:00.000Z", "endDate": "2021-08-11T17:15:40.261Z", "value": 15.274424150485437, "name": "timeBeforeFirstClick", "device": "desktop", "currency": "USD" } ] }, "success": true}